Using a breast pump? Here are a holistic lactation consultants top hacks:
These are the top tips I give to clients who are wanting to optimise their pumping routine and increase their breastmilk supply.
Pumping takes up precious time, therefore we need a strategic and efficient approach if it is going to be sustainable.
- Make sure you have the correct sized flange for your nipple size
- Never use really strong suction, this can injure the delicate tissue in your nipple and areola
- Always sit down with a drink and snack while you pump. A well-nourished mother is key to an abundant milk supply.
- Put your feet up whenever possible to promote as much horizontal rest for your postpartum body as possible
- Use a pumping bra to hold the pump in place. This frees up your hands and will make pumping more enjoyable
- Have a podcast, guided meditation, TV series or music you particularly enjoy to help relax and distract your mind whilst you pump
To stimulate more milk if desired,
- Double pumping (both breasts at once) can increase your milk by up to 18% according to studies by Medela.
- Massage the breasts gently (being careful to not break the suction of the flange) to help stimulate more oxytocin and therefore more milk flow.
- Look at a photo or video of your baby, this helps to get oxytocin flowing too.
- Avoid breaks of longer than 6 hours without pumping/or breastfeeding to ensure your supply maintains itself.
Anyone who is using a pump that needs to be held in place should use a pumping bra.There are some great options that are also nursing bras, which means you dont have to put the bra on prior to pumping. I think adding a pumping bra into your hospital bag is a great idea, because if you find yourself using a breast pump in the hospital then you are already one step ahead!
Joelleen Winduss Paye, IBCLC Lactation Consultant, Midwife & Naturopath
JWP Holistic Lactation Consultant
www.jwp.care @jwp.ibclc
Breast Pump Tips